Here Are The 2020 Live Q&A's



a year that wrapped us

in a whirlwind of emotions and surprises, held a unique place in our hearts.

Like a soft breeze on a warm summer day, it whispered tales of both joy and sorrow. Amidst the chaos and uncertainties, it brought us together in a cozy embrace, reminding us of the strength that lies within. We gathered around virtual hearths, sipping warm cups of tea, and shared stories of resilience and hope. As the world around us seemed to spin, we found solace in the comfort of our homes, cherishing the simple pleasures and the love of those closest to us. 2020, with all its twists and turns, left an indelible mark on our souls, reminding us to cherish the precious moments and the beauty found in life's most delicate details.

Live Q&A 1

Live Q&A 2

Live Q&A  3

As we bid farewell 

 to this remarkable year,

 let us reflect on the journey we've traveled and the growth we've experienced.

In the face of adversity, we discovered our inner resilience and found strength in unity. While the challenges of 2020 may have tested our spirits, they also reminded us of the importance of hope, compassion, and perseverance. So, as we embark on the new year, let us carry these lessons with us, embracing the power of self-care, the beauty of connection, and the boundless potential of our dreams. Let's make 2023 a year of embracing change, fostering creativity, and nurturing our well-being. And as we step into the unknown, here are some journal prompts to inspire reflection and introspection: 

1. What are three things you are grateful for from the past year?
2. Reflect on a moment of resilience or personal growth you experienced.
3. What lessons did you learn about yourself during challenging times?
4. Describe a creative project or idea you want to explore in the coming year.
5. Write about a person or experience that brought you joy and how it impacted your life.
6. Share your aspirations and intentions for the next twelve months.
7. How will you prioritize self-care and well-being in the year ahead?
8. Reflect on a meaningful connection you made and how it influenced your perspective.
9. Write about a hurdle you overcame and how it shaped your character.
10. What steps will you take to bring your dreams and aspirations closer to reality?

May your journal be a sanctuary for self-discovery, a canvas for dreams, and a source of inspiration as we embark on this new chapter together.